1Friends 1Fans
female Richmond, VA, United States
celladoor is
16 years ago
going to see Morrissey in March.
celladoor thinks
16 years ago
that Adam got her sick. I have a cold.
16 years ago
cooking curly kale with garlic, thyme, pepper, and pancetta.
celladoor is
16 years ago
eating a PB & Wild Bluberry-Black Currant Preserves (YUM SCOTTISH FOOD).
celladoor feels
16 years ago
cold. It's like an ice box in the office.
celladoor wants
16 years ago
school to be over already for the semester.
celladoor wants
16 years ago
to learn how to crochet but can't find someone to teach her or a good book.
celladoor hates
16 years ago
feeling icky.
celladoor hates
16 years ago
having her blood drawn. ICKY!
celladoor wishes
16 years ago
someone would go to the doctor for her.