vitamin cee
67Friends 6Fans
female PNW, United States
koby (opla), alia atreides (dune)
angel dust (hazbin)
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago 15
Miss Gender (@girldrawsghosts) on Xdelighted at how many people have sent me this lmao
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago 19
my bead order arrived
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago 26
[one piece] ignore me this is what i will be pinning my hopes on for the next foreverOPLA Daily (@OPLADaily) on X
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago 23 categorize me
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago 56
okay cause I can't stop thinking abt it -- gimme CR and I'll make a little moodboard when I get home
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago 8
can't believe I took these vitally important angus photos and forgot 2 share
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago 56
cause it's my fave meme -- gimme CR and I'll give u a song
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago 10
prolly no tags 2night because my brain is Pudding but ilu all
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago 7
intense stress eczema flare-up AND someone pulled the building fire alarm at fcking 8:15am