vitamin cee
66Friends 6Fans
female PNW, United States
koby (opla), alia atreides (dune)
angel dust (hazbin)
vitamin cee
9 hours ago 24
[pagan-y] refreshed my altar cause something nasty be floating around
vitamin cee
14 hours ago 14
castmates I'd sell a kidney for
vitamin cee
Yesterday 3
JULY BOOK PLURK let's do itttt
vitamin cee
2 days ago 30
who should I play from yr canons
vitamin cee
2 days ago 13
[beading] my magnum opus
vitamin cee
3 days ago 37
has my writing ever given u feelings
vitamin cee
4 days ago 20 today I went 2 the river for mental health and also birthday celebration reasons
vitamin cee
5 days ago 20 I am soft and gentle like a baby but I also have "everyone h8s u" brain disease so everyone is like a 10 at first lmao
vitamin cee
6 days ago 41
pwm for Julyyyy