1Friends 11Fans
female navotas city, Philippines
mY nickname iS genceL, ceL, kawaii, of couRxe nena hahahaaaaa.....
mY sUcKin b-daY iS noVemBer fiVe
my hometown aNd LocaTion is in Navotas City her in ManiLa
Letx talk deeper aVout mYxeLf….
iM definitely cHubBy (haLatha aMan xa fEktuRe dvHa???)
ceLtOon05 is
14 years ago
exit muna aku... :-)
ceLtOon05 is
14 years ago
paAdd aman xa PLURK world... eNkx pu.. :-)
ceLtOon05 is
14 years ago
pyramid <3 it...
ceLtOon05 is
14 years ago
world world world xupha hot... :X
ceLtOon05 is
14 years ago 3
ai miss dix worLd... :-)
ceLtOon05 is
14 years ago 2
bayie muna.... (LOL)
ceLtOon05 is
14 years ago 11
KARMA.KARMA chupha xaya...
ceLtOon05 is
14 years ago 35
exploring at this WORLD... :-)