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CDR Sample is located in Cambridge, UK. We are a registered business in the UK and we are totally independent from the Engineers Australia organisation.Visit : Competency Demonstration Report | CDR Reports for En...
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7 years ago
Engineers Australia News – New fees structure - Engineers Australia News – New fees structure - CDR ... - In CDRsample we not only provide you with excellent CDR / IPENZ applications preparation or modification services. We likewise keep you updated on Engineers Australia news and important announcements that might impact your CDR or IPENZ application.
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7 years ago 1
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7 years ago
CDR Preparation services – Client Feedback - CDRsample operates over 8 years in assistance in CDR preparation area. CDR preparation is the first step for Migration Skills Assessment process. We help with CDR writing to Professional Engineers and Engineers Technologists from verity of Engineering Professions. - CDR Preparation services - Client Feedback - CDR rep...
cdrsample is
7 years ago
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7 years ago
Migration Skills Assessment – News on Professions removed from SOL - The good news is that Australian Government has not removed any of Engineering Professions from the SOL. All Engineering professions that have been on SOL before 1st of July 2017, have remained in SOL. - Migration Skills Assessment - news on Professions re...
cdrsample is
7 years ago
Feedback on CDR Sample services - Feedback on CDR Sample services - CDR report for Mig... - We in CDRsample help Engineers with their CDR preparation for successful assessment with the Engineers Australia. We operate for 8 years and so far we have few hundreds of successful Clients.
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7 years ago
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7 years ago
Interview with a former Client who has been through #migration #skills assessment - Interview with a former Client who has been through ...
cdrsample is
7 years ago
Hello Everyone
cdrsample is
7 years ago
Top 5 Online Courses Part 2 - When you write your CDR, you find out the CPD (or the Competency Demonstration Report) is one of the important parts you will need to prepare for your CDR application. To enrich your CPD you can take online courses widely available now online. - Top 5 Online Courses Part 2 - CDR report for Migrati...