33Friends 36Fans
female Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Cynthia is
15 years ago 6
completely terrible at Dance Dance Revolution so far. But I had a good workout and had fun. I'll get better with practice.
Cynthia will
15 years ago 3
be enjoying ribs and pulled pork for lunch. Mmm-mm! (hungry)
15 years ago 1
discovered my front door has been unlocked since yesterday afternoon. I'm all about home security.
Cynthia says
15 years ago
I did yard work, now trying to rally to get ready for Pgh Blogfest.
Cynthia is
15 years ago
having trouble making a phone call.
Cynthia is
15 years ago 3
torn between wanting to be right in the thick of all the G20 action in Pgh in September and wanting to be safely far away.
Cynthia is
15 years ago 11
fond of cabbage, & olives, & blue cheese. In fact, fond of many foods I hated as a child. The exception: lima beans. Does anyone like them?
15 years ago
enjoyed a nice evening in Foxburg with friends who are stopping there for a night on a roadtrip vacation. Nice to have a chance to catch up.
Cynthia shares
15 years ago
Vivir su Vida...  swing...