Cynthia is
15 years ago
fond of cabbage, & olives, & blue cheese. In fact, fond of many foods I hated as a child. The exception: lima beans. Does anyone like them?
latest #11
15 years ago
I hate limas and peas :-& brussel sprouts only if drenched in cheese sauce
15 years ago
otherwise I loves veggies :-D
RockingPony loves
15 years ago
limas. yum. :-)
Cynthia likes
15 years ago
brussel sprouts if they're roasted. Actually, almost any vegetable is good roasted, I think.
Cynthia asks
15 years ago
rockingpony, do you prepare them some special way?
15 years ago
A favorite line from an old post of mine: lima beans put the suck in succotash.
phizzingtub says
15 years ago
*raises hand* I like limas
Cynthia says
15 years ago
unclecrappy: too true. But apparently a stalwart few like them. They can have mine.
Cynthia says
15 years ago
ladyd, you're the perfect couple! Vegetable-consumption-wise, anyway.
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