3Friends 0Fans
female Tokyo, Japan
ccalinn says
14 years ago 1
so lazy to plurk nowadays. At the moment switch back to twitter.
ccalinn says
14 years ago 1
ccalinn says
14 years ago
going to hangouts with the girls tonight! :-D
ccalinn says
14 years ago
it's one day to FRIDAY! Im so happy to welcome the wkend :-D
ccalinn says
14 years ago
Boo~ i gonna do all laundry & houseworks... (tears)
ccalinn says
14 years ago 4
the stupid mouse im using in my office is not sensitive. Alway need to slam the mouse then it's work.
ccalinn is
14 years ago
pouring heavily rain outside now.
ccalinn wants
14 years ago 5
a new camera and a new phone...
ccalinn says
14 years ago
don't feel like it a monday today.
ccalinn says
14 years ago
lazy to plurk this few days! and i went on tweeting...