The last post was already the last day of work in 2011, recall the days of coding at that time, and then the next days...
It has been so many years... and it has changed!
We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.(
1 Corinthians 15:51)
還有很多事情沒做,但已經是下週的事了! 不過現在要幹嘛捏! 讀書吧!
對了,我絕對不要當個啥都不會的傻子! 雖然傻也有傻的好處,但戰鬥力就沒那麼強了! 用點腦用點腦
閒的時候覺得OK,忙的時候覺得88! 難道我被制約了?