【風災祈福Poem】新鬼煩冤舊鬼哭,天陰雨濕聲啾啾。by 杜甫/兵車行
【午安/每日名言】貓是學問之友。by 波特萊爾 Charles Baudelaire, 1821-1867
【每日一Poem】點燃一盞燈/我是火/隨時可能熄滅/因為風的緣故 by洛夫
【早安/每日一Poem】I meant, you meant, that nothing should remain
Unsaid between us, brother, and this remained--by Robert Frost/To E. T.
【午安/每日一句】三個人,分食三條魚:第一個吃掉了魚鰭,發現自己少了一隻手,第二個吃掉了魚尾,發現自己少了一條腿,第三個吃掉了魚頭,發現自己的頭早已不見。by 洛夫/大悲咒與我的釋文
【早安/每日一Poem】Heart, we will forget him!You an I, tonight!You may forget the warmth he gave,I will forget the light-- by Emily Dickinson
【每日一Poem】GOING to heaven!Perhaps you're going too!Who knows?If you should get there first,Save just a little place for me by Emily Dickinson
【午安/每日一句】All Cats are Grey in the Dark.[諺]
【早安/每日一Poem】There was a little man, and he had a little soul;And he said, Little Soul, let us try, try, try! by Thomas Moore