cream + sugah
1Friends 0Fans
female Thornhill, ON, Canada

sho minamimoto > zod
cream + sugah
12 years ago
[zod] OKAY tomorrow, post. Sho is a hooker now and needs money clients.
cream + sugah
12 years ago 2
...oh god i am not dead...
cream + sugah
12 years ago 2
oh god hello everyone i am not dead
cream + sugah
12 years ago 24
[z] hm... i was thinking of maybe apping greed here next
cream + sugah
12 years ago 8
omg hi capsu (woot)
cream + sugah
12 years ago 2
[zod] ...I wish i had a nicer character...
cream + sugah
12 years ago 15
[zod] sho post fizzyopolis!!!!
cream + sugah
12 years ago 2
[zod] ...i can't find how long it would get from one place to another. sho is going to annoy tsuna who is in the air district, and he's in the fire.
cream + sugah
12 years ago 42
[zod] oh... what did i miss :'-(