2Friends 2Fans
male Jefferson City, MO, United States
9 months ago
Shocked again that Plurk is still around. I'm wondering if this is something that would be worthwhile for group conversations, with the different visual style.
carltonzone is
4 years ago 1
I haven't been on this site in... decades? I had no idea that it returned! My old logo is still there. I think I was 35 in that picture. I'm 52 now!
carltonzone is
13 years ago
Okay so Plurk looks kind of cool. I will have to blog about it on my site at
carltonzone is
13 years ago
I have not plurked in a long time! Check out my new website --> www.microbusinessplans.c...
carltonzone is
15 years ago 1
Why is the timeline going backwards? Am I traveling back in time?
carltonzone is
15 years ago
Well, I guess I done did a Plurk! Is that what the "beep" thingy is?
carltonzone is
15 years ago 2
This is weird. I haven't used Plurk for over a year. Dont remember what my old account name was! haha