2Friends 0Fans
male Denver, CO, United States
carl9331 wonders
14 years ago 1
when will the acne stop. i'm way too old for this.
14 years ago
blurts: sarap talagang hampalusin mga tao sa ofc. the reason why your hours have been cut is that you're a spoiled unreliable brat. THERE!
carl9331 is
15 years ago
excited for Avatar IMAX 3D. Also got 50% off coz of some Fandango email.
carl9331 is
15 years ago
sad that the Apple store didnt have the Vesa adapter. sue me i like gizmos and gadgets.
carl9331 is
15 years ago
loling that Microsoft China's contractor ripped off plurk. bit.ly/6fpPSP
carl9331 is
15 years ago 4
being old. wondering wtf plurk is. is this twitter?