Candy Pop
292Friends 213Fans
female Second life
Geek of many flavors. I buy things and sell things in SL. Animal lover, coffee snob and tech-obsessed.
Candy Pop says
9 years ago 5
ok, yes. I totally came back into plurk to read the drama. But I can't find it! Dammit.
Candy Pop says
9 years ago 1
T minus ONE DAY until Dragoncon! dances with glee
Candy Pop says
9 years ago 8
this is a plurk because it pisses me off when my karma goes down.
Candy Pop says
9 years ago
Three hours of sleep. I can't adult on that. Please don't make me adult today. Where's that picture when I need it?
Candy Pop asks
9 years ago 10
do you ever feel like everything you know, and everything you are has been turned upside down? That's how I'm feeling today. I really hate it. I don't even know how to cope.
Candy Pop says
9 years ago
Went to see Minions...I thought it was awesome! But you have to love the minions. If you don't, it might be annoying :-D
Candy Pop says
9 years ago 2
Happy Wednesday Plurk!
Candy Pop says
9 years ago 5
Oh good grief...WHY did they remake Vacation? Of all movies, that's definitely one where nobody could recapture what made it so awesome. Stop, Hollywood. Stop it nao!
Candy Pop says
9 years ago 1
Ah hai Plurk, I forgot to post for a few days, but I'm back! ❤️
Candy Pop hopes
9 years ago 2
Malk's PT sessions start helping soon. It's hard to listen to him hurting, even if I know it is to help him :-(