36Friends 36Fans
Ace says
15 years ago 3
voter's registration is almost closing. Hope you guys were able register yourselves for the elections. Next thing we do is to scrutinize the
Ace says
15 years ago 2
I just saw Brillante Mendoza's "Kinatay" and, yeah, it was practically "unwatchable". I'm now self-recuperating. :-&
Ace is
15 years ago
retrieving lost files from fragmented sources. Sandisk, why'd you fail me!
Ace says
15 years ago 1
I could hear no more than the monotonous tapping on keyboards. Boredom is stressful.
Ace says
15 years ago
conference call done.
Ace says
15 years ago
I can't believe I'm eating lettuce... and cabbage.
Ace says
15 years ago
Kenny's high-protein meal and FB scrabble. :-D
Ace says
15 years ago
after two months... ;-)
Ace says
15 years ago 2
Kimmy Dora quotable LOL: "I'm just a girl, floating in front of a boy, asking him to love her." (LOL)
Ace is
15 years ago
craving for crab and corn soup.