14Friends 48Fans
male Alor Star, Malaysia
Hi,i am a person who like to share and mix up with each other.
I like creative things.Albert Einstein say 'Creative is more important than knowledge.
calibng says
13 years ago
经过4天3夜的魔鬼式嘉年华训练,我们终于度过了。。。每一天都充满激情,越演越激烈。。。再次呈现:Kalih Tongkat,hebat,hebat,hebat....^^
calibng says
13 years ago
Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan,aunty & uncle,叔伯兄弟 & 三姑六婆,i am back.....wahahaha.....^^ (dance)
calibng says
13 years ago
Takziah liao,想不到在大学生涯中,最难考的竟然是怎样做Sushi....Haiz,如果Pass,我请你吃Sushi....><
calibng says
13 years ago
当同学都Merdeka开开心心,陆陆续续地回家时,我还要为着后天的Shusi科备战。唉,哀哉。。。 :-(
calibng says
13 years ago
一日不Facebook,如隔三秋兮;一但不见你,常常想念你。 :-)
calibng says
13 years ago
Congratulation,Singapore's opposition party,Worker Party has a great improvement in this general election,won 6 seats over 87 seats...^^
calibng says
13 years ago
经过我屈指一算,今天一定要多喝两瓶1.5liter 的水,要不 然会脱水。。。。><
calibng says
13 years ago
Walau eh,y weather so hottttttttttttt de...!!!!!? ><
calibng says
13 years ago
Sorry,Pakistan and India,i tak sempat solve your conflicts then teacher took away le....Good Bye,takziah and gg....><
calibng says
13 years ago