63Friends 90Fans
female Jersey , United States
caitlin. twenty-five years old, married, and babied. nursing student and bartender. housewife, and domestic goddess wannabe. addicted to coffee. crafty with a crochet hook. has a tiny bruce springsteen addiction. - blog
caity. says
11 years ago
anyone still use this thing?! I've totally forgotten about it...
caity. has
14 years ago
completely forgotten Plurk!!
caity. says
15 years ago 3
good morning :-)
caity. says
15 years ago
Morning. I'm exhausted, we had the little lady @ the ER last night :-(
caity. says
15 years ago
good morning, happy monday :-)
15 years ago
New blog post: Frustrated beyond belief...
caity. says
15 years ago 6
good morning....i'm really not happy today :'-(
caity. says
15 years ago
good morning...i forgot my coffee this morning, im dragging!
caity. says
15 years ago 1
good morning :-D
caity. asks
15 years ago 3
if you had a child who you knew was more susceptible to infections (IgA defecient), would you get them the H1N1 shot?