Thu ultimate-eternal-internal-debate: to eat, or not to eat! Both a question and a statement😂 #SelfDeprecatingHumor #RebelChick #Conquering32 #RestDayBlues
Define W O R S T feeling ever : when you're on red flag, and getting sick by the minute, and it's the holidays and you're home alone-- Perfect, just perfect! #DeadDaysOfDecember
Because I feel guilty breaking my fast with only a bag cheetos and a cuppa-- madz what's a good side dish to go with fried fish?🤔 #RebelChick #Conquering32
T O R T U R E : When it's 3am and all you can think of is a freshly-baked, gooey, and oozing-hot plate of ULTIMATE-CHEESE P I Z Z A!😋😌😣😫☹😒pfft! #StruggleAllTooReal #WitchingHour #RebelChick #Conquering32
Deliriously thinking B U R G E R!🤔 like Zark's, maybe a sloppy joe this time-- #ThinkingOutLoud #RebelChick #Conquering32 #LaDuceVita #Eustressing #DopamineOverload