101Friends 108Fans
male Cebu, Philippines
I am silent, laconic and deep.

I am a part-time Software Engineer and full-time gamer.

Loves anime, books and gadgets.
10 years ago
People who are always looking over their shoulder, will most likely run into something.
10 years ago
Happy Labor Day to those who are really in labor (like us, working on a holiday)!
10 years ago
Drivers who don't follow simple road courtesy rules like making a signal when turning or using low beam for incoming vehicles should be run over by an 18-wheeler truck!
10 years ago
And I thought a government official is a public servant; then why are they acting like they are our masters?
10 years ago
Just finished adding another WD Caviar Black 1 TB hard drive to augment my shrinking disk space.
10 years ago
Hello Plurk! I'm back!
10 years ago
In case you haven't noticed, Steam's DOTA2 now has LAN play!
10 years ago
In order to succeed, you desire for success must be greater than your fear of failure.
11 years ago 1
Geeks stay up all night disassembling the world so that they can put it back together with new features.
11 years ago
This really perplexes me: why does the Commission on Human Rights are more concerned with the "rights" of the criminals than the plight of the victims? Does being victimized makes one less human?