bunga nguk
52Friends 42Fans
female Bandung, Indonesia
as you can see
I'm a flower
and I'm having a hard time now
visit my blog at beeforbunga.tumblr.com
bunga nguk says
15 years ago
maaf saya mau ke twitter aja, terlihat lebih simple *penghianat plurk*
bunga nguk says
15 years ago 4
tanpa sadar balik ke plurk
bunga nguk says
15 years ago
happy birthday america
bunga nguk wonders
15 years ago 1
what will this country be in the future, with goverments who think that our grade in our school is the best that we can do
bunga nguk says
15 years ago
passing grade is TORTURING
bunga nguk says
15 years ago 4
ga akan ol plurk lg ah, peduli amat karma, byeeee ! (wave)
bunga nguk says
15 years ago
MARK ALL AS READ *kunci dari segalanya*
bunga nguk
15 years ago 3
doesn't care about her plurk anymore (but still active)
bunga nguk says
15 years ago
goodbye prince harry :'-(
bunga nguk says
15 years ago
tadi bangun jam setengah sebelas, gajadi ke sekolah deh haha