1Friends 2Fans
male Toronto, ON, Canada
I work for a company called HomeStars, a listing and rating site focused on Home Renos.
bsharwood is
16 years ago
still figuring that this plurk thing, while a great front end, doesn't have legs
bsharwood is
16 years ago
thinking he hassn't seen a plurk in a while - well a day that is.
bsharwood wants
16 years ago
to tell any potential Plurk friends that if they are renovating their house, they should check out HomeStars
bsharwood is
16 years ago
trying to figure out how to edit plurks
bsharwood is
16 years ago 1
how has 2 plurk friends
bsharwood is
16 years ago
thinking he's going to finally have a plurk friend
bsharwood is
16 years ago
wondering whether I'll ever use this plurk thing
bsharwood is
16 years ago
wondering whether anyone he knows uses Plurk
bsharwood is
16 years ago
saying hello to the Plurk world! :-)