εïз Brynlie εïз
14Friends 3Fans
New York, NY, United States
I'm realllly shy, and really weird when you get ta know me ^^ . My favorite celebrity is Rainbow Fish. <3
well i'm a couple days late, but i jus maked it to camp today! :-) i got ta eat fossil pamcakes an cheered on the peach blossoms in cabin wars!! ^^ love the atmosphere an all the friends i've met so far! :-)
Oh my gacha, I can't waitt!!
Sorry in advance to anybodies if i'm not myself tonight..is jus one a those unhappy days
Lactose intolerant and still drinking a milkshake...it's like I love torturing myself :'-( ...it tastes too good !!
A question I always wondered...What did/do you imagine the Easter Bunny to look like? As a kid, (and still now LOL) I imagine him a bunny mascot!! Did anyone picture a real life oversized bunny?
So done with romantic relationships for another 10 million years giggles . I don't need no boy or girl to be happy (least at this point in my life). I feel amazingly free.
εïз Brynlie εïз shares
10 years ago 7
I'm in sucha good mood today is crazy!! :-) http://twilight.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/135799161285.gif(keep calm and flutter on <3)
εïз Brynlie εïз wonders
10 years ago 1
if there's a sl shoppers anonymous -.-
εïз Brynlie εïз is
10 years ago
troop unicorn whales! hooray! ^^