33Friends 11Fans
female Indonesia
bertha says
12 years ago 2
ku terjebak diruang nostalgia
bertha says
13 years ago
liar! liar! liar! you can't keep my secret carefully and i don't like it!
bertha says
13 years ago 1
hmmm paling enak emang kalo update status di plurk karna jarang banget yang buka plurk
bertha says
13 years ago
libur kurang minum bangettt ahhh
bertha says
13 years ago
aahh why don't you believe me this time? i'm not a liar person like you!
bertha says
13 years ago
wahh karma gw naik.meskipun cuma dikit :-)
bertha says
13 years ago
why i can forget him, even this heart was really hurt because of you :-(
bertha says
13 years ago
aahh gw harus bisa lupain dia..harus harus!!
bertha wishes
13 years ago
bisa masuk ipa dengan nilai baik :-)
bertha says
13 years ago
she is a beautiful girl and smart girl that's why he loves her so much, and i just a poor girl that must leave all my loves for him