the XNA Content Pipeline. Who thought it was a good idea to implement components you can't breakpoint with the debugger?
Listening to A Perfect Circle's "Sleeping Beauty" I suddenly felt the taste of mint in my mouth. No doubt linked synapse causing sensation.
watching Rick Moranis' Ghostbusters character (post Keymaster transformation) in the background. Never noticed how funny he plays it.
multitasking: watching Adventures in Babysitting and playing Chrono Trigger at the same time!
a complex love/hate relationship with XML, in all its forms.
the new Living End album, "White Noise." It's not exactly the sound that made them famous, but it works quite well for me!
good web/app icons are hard to find, and even harder to make.
trying to find the perfect background music to put on.
Ooh, over 25 karma. Time to flex my CSS muscles.