3Friends 92Fans
male Atlanta, GA, United States
Drummer, Producer, Music Educator, & Podcaster from Atlanta.
brianstephens says
12 years ago
Some people really do like cookies... I mean really. U can see it all over their face... like they discovered their "special purpose".
brianstephens says
12 years ago
RIP Dave Brubeck. 91 years young apropos that you'd live to be an odd numbered age.
brianstephens says
12 years ago
Another long day done. Time to pack up my drums & get back to "real life"... being the exact same thing I've pretended to be the past 2 days
brianstephens says
12 years ago
Day Two of "Brian's Excellent Adventure". I'm a pretty quick study so, hopefully, today will go even better than yesterday!
brianstephens says
12 years ago
Wow, what a day! I'll probably get to tell you about it sometime... next year. Got tossed into a whole new world & found it fascinating.
brianstephens says
12 years ago
Of all the days to end up with a big zit on the end of my nose... feels like Yearbook Picture Day all over again! ;-)
brianstephens says
12 years ago
Today & tomorrow are shaping up to be one of those times when I wish my eyeballs could snap more than mere mental pictures. Details later.
brianstephens says
12 years ago
Both drum kits packed, transcriptions done, suits bagged... Man, 4:15AM is gonna be here soon. Better go get my Zzzzz's.
brianstephens says
12 years ago
All done w/ this concert recording at GA State. Time to get back, prep a couple of drum kits for 2 days of "work", & catch a few hours sleep
brianstephens says
12 years ago
"Going out & doing" has turned into "staying here & waiting". Good thing I've got a practice pad, sticks, & plenty of work to pass the time.