18Friends 130Fans
female Jupiter, FL, United States
Love, life, and photography will always be there for me.
Remember everyday is treasured ♥
HistoryGeek☮♫♪ wonders
12 years ago 1
if the pain will subside. <3
HistoryGeek☮♫♪ wonders
12 years ago 1
why i'm soooo cold!
HistoryGeek☮♫♪ wonders
12 years ago 1
where next week will take me... My dad asked me to leave the house from Thursday - Monday and my plans fell through!
HistoryGeek☮♫♪ wonders
12 years ago 1
how I let over 250 plurks go unread!!
HistoryGeek☮♫♪ wonders
13 years ago
Could today get any more weird? I'm going to bed before it gets worse..
HistoryGeek☮♫♪ is
13 years ago
having a hard time dealingwith my boyfriend moving back home.. Also - not totally in love with my new haircut AND I got a ticket today =(
HistoryGeek☮♫♪ is
13 years ago
busy but trying to keep up
HistoryGeek☮♫♪ is
13 years ago 1
busy studying
HistoryGeek☮♫♪ is
13 years ago
exhausted and needs food... who wants to bring me some?
HistoryGeek☮♫♪ is
13 years ago 1
tired but has too much to do!! =(