6Friends 16Fans
female Taiwan
Change your thought and you change the world.
bowbowho 分享
12 years ago
bowbowho 分享
12 years ago
bowbowho 分享
12 years ago
選擇太多,最終無從下手;想說的話那樣多,最後竟一句都說不出來。於是我們靜默,任由不相干的事為我們做出選擇,任由不要緊的人替我們說話,然後我們謊稱這是預兆,好讓自己逃避努力的心稍稍寬慰一些。—Márcia Werlang
bowbowho 分享
12 years ago
bowbowho 分享
12 years ago
In Time (11/19)
bowbowho 分享
12 years ago
Coach Carter (11/6)
bowbowho 分享
12 years ago
Expectation is the root of all heartache.             —潮英語
bowbowho 分享
12 years ago
There's always consequences to your actions. Before you act, make sure you're prepared for them. —潮英語
bowbowho 分享
12 years ago
Some troubles are imaginary, but the suffering they cause is real.
bowbowho 分享
12 years ago 2
Sometimes it's difficult to express in words what the heart already knows. —潮英語