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United States
Gerry's Page
vastards's strawpage
Do not friend/fan me if you are under 15, I will hard block
3 weeks ago 5
Fuckhands McMike twink edition (intro post)
4 months ago
I changed my mind I hate edibles
4 months ago
I'm so proud of my sister yall she just told me how she wanted this dress from Shein but before I can say anything she goes "so I'm probably just going to make it myself" THIS IS COMING FROM THE GIRL WHO USED TO USE FAST FASHION FREQUENTLY I'm so proud
4 months ago
I reblog everything I like on tumblr. I thought it was standard practice 😭
4 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/1H6VKCyz66B5bRu9Xc7Xzr.jpg Jonny Sims, everyone
4 months ago
Hey. You consented to seeing this. Bonkers right
4 months ago
I've seen way too many people on here complain about seeing adult content and the posts they are complaining about had the 18+ tag. Get over yourselves
4 months ago 9
Hey yall, this is crazy but... hear me out. If you click on an 18+ plurk, you're consenting to seeing adult content. Crazy, I know
4 months ago
It is so fucking hot
4 months ago
Yes, all of these posts are very prompted. Nobody here
4 months ago
Also I get how it could be confusing for me to use asexual as a label but not specify what "kind" of asexual I am, and all I have to say to that is its none of your business. If me not using a microlabel is so horrific to you seriously just ignore me it's not that hard