90Friends 4Fans
male United States
19 hours ago 12
Also can someone please explain what an "oomp" is
19 hours ago
Blaming a certain situation on "liberals" is just a little weird to me. It's not just liberals my guy
19 hours ago
If a trigger is really bad for you, and you absolutely cannot deal with it, then you need to stay off the internet. Nobody is going to cater to you 24/7
19 hours ago
Triggers can be so many different things too. Like one of mine is pontiac cars. Do I get upset when I see one driving around? Do I get upset with people for mentioning them or sending pictures of them? No. My triggers are my own responsibility
19 hours ago 3
I feel like this should go without saying, but you are responsible for your own triggers. You need to learn how to handle and cope with them. Yes, people can put up content warnings for more generalized things, but you should never expect someone to tag every single one of your triggers. It's not fair to them
Hey guys don't forget to look at my carrd it has my other socials (I've been a lot more active on Twitter lately)
Yesterday 1
I'm sorry but basing a c ai bot off of a song and actually using the lyrics of the song as the greeting is so fucking cringe 😭 (I actually physically cringed at that)
2 days ago 1 @Edit 2 days ago
Also if any of you are friends with her, just a friendly reminder that they used palestine as an example of not feeling empathy, rage baited and got mad at people for not understanding the rage bait, 'jokingly' called their partner a pedo even after being told to stop, and made systems answer a questionaire to use pluralkit
2 days ago
Hey, does auditz have a plurk?
4 days ago 3
"They would be so good together" HES 28???? SHES IN HIGH SCHOOL????