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3 weeks ago 5
Fuckhands McMike twink edition (intro post)
4 months ago
Anyways, point is, don't try to label people. It's not your job. You're not them. Their sexuality could be completely unique to them and not fit any label perfectly, and that's okay. Stop forcing labels on people who don't want nor need labels
4 months ago 1
To be clear, orchidsexual is when someone is okay thinking about having sex or fantasizing about it, but has no desire to actually have sex. My asexuality is similar, but it's not the same. There's not a label for it, and I don't need a fucking microlabel so I can fit into people's tiny boxes
4 months ago @Edit 4 months ago
Everytime I describe my asexuality to someone they try to tell me what MY fucking sexuality is. "Oh so you're orchidsexual" no. No I am not. It doesn't fucking fit me, stop trying to push that onto me
4 months ago
Asexual is just the term that best suits me. And no, I don't have to use a fucking microlabel just to be taken seriously
4 months ago
Also, asexuality can be closely related to sexual trauma and no that does not make it any less valid just because someone wasn't born asexual. People can change and trauma can GREATLY affect someone's sexuality
4 months ago
It's almost like not all asexual people are sex repulsed
4 months ago
I am literally so sick of having to hide the fuck out of my hypersexuality just so ignorant fuckers can comfortably fit me into what they think an asexual looks like. Not even just my hypersexual shit! I'm am asexual it-thing and yeah I have sexual feelings and no I'm not going to fucking censor that anymore just so other people are comfortable
4 months ago
The new huggies ads clearly appeal to pedophiles like come on. A baby shaking its bum on camera?? I get that it's a diaper ad but my god you can do better. Censor it like you censor women's period products ads or something
4 months ago
Anyways I had a gummy I'm feeling great
4 months ago
No, Becky, eating a KitKat without breaking it is not freaky