Encouraged and blessed is how I feel today. I know I am taken care of and loved I hope all of you get to feel that this weekend.
Interview over, I feel good & when all is said & done no matter the outcome I know I did my best, said what I wanted & needed to no regrets
Preparing for an interview this eveing. If you can just say a short little prayer & keep me & my family in your thoughts. Thank you
Ready to conquer the day.
Just when I start to get frustrated & stress level starts to rise God finds a way to keep me encouraged. To all my friends keep the faith
Good morning everyone, going to try and stay busy today. Hope everyone has a great day.
Let's go Butler #Indiana Only complaint, really NCAA does the championship game HAVE to be at 9:20pm?
No matter what the day brings or how bad it may seem stay positive encouraged, It will get better and it could always be worst.
<GONG><GONG><GONG> Midnight for Cinderella VCU
As a Purdue Grad & Native of Indiana - Go BUTLER!!!