113Friends 86Fans
male Tracy, CA, United States
I'm a 40ish, husband, Dad of 3, runner, Catholic, Cub Scout leader, Guitar player, Tech geek, SciFi nut, jack of all trades (master of none), doing all the things I did at 13 but better.
bobm512z says
12 years ago
Been 26 years but just got off my OA brotherhood weekend. My son was an Ordeal candidate now a brother. I'm a very happy scout.
bobm512z says
13 years ago
listening to Pandora on While changing sheets, Thanks Pithos!
bobm512z says
13 years ago 1
Been very busy getting a new work schedule, in my life. Running not so good SHP not really. Thinking of better changes soon :-)
bobm512z says
13 years ago
Listening to club music & continuing my quest to get both cars in the garage, with pine-wood derby tomorrow.
bobm512z says
13 years ago
geeking out & loving it.
bobm512z says
13 years ago
WOW really Apple? never a big fan but...
bobm512z says
13 years ago
Jenni is cooking a great meal and I'm in the first part of oh man I go back to work tomorrow feelings, anybody found a cure for that?
bobm512z says
13 years ago
my (our) prayers joining the many other for the Philippines today, God grant your peace.
bobm512z says
13 years ago
major multitasking, baking for dessert night w/ cub scouts and prepping for pine-wood derby kick off.
bobm512z says
13 years ago
geeking out reading this weeks geekend at