27Friends 19Fans
female Baltimore, MD, United States
Dog behavior guru, owner of dog training biz in Baltimore MD. Horse person, all around psych buff. Knitter, spinner, crafter.

I am Elph53 on Ravelry.

My husband is ASD, and we are writing a book on NT/ASD relationships
bmorecharming says
13 years ago
registered for more classes today. getting closer to switching from animals to autistic kids....closer everyday!
bmorecharming says
13 years ago
Wego for the win!
bmorecharming is
13 years ago 3
officially drunk! whoa Super Bowl bohrona's (beers with limeade and hot sauce) I am glad I only have 2 clients tomorrow! hick
bmorecharming feels
13 years ago 4
like the car runs smoother (and faster) when it is clean and freshly vacuumed, don't you think?
bmorecharming says
13 years ago 3
Good Morning, all! I am so excited for my drop spindle class tomorrow that I am up early in the woodshop. sawdust in coffee is good, right?
bmorecharming says
13 years ago
applied for scholarships, prepped for business taxes, updated websites, turned some wood, called some clients, AND managed to eat lunch!
bmorecharming says
13 years ago
debating of I should go to the World of Pets nonsense today. I feel like I have to go but always hate it. too many shock collars and idiots.
bmorecharming says
13 years ago 3
Good morning everyone. it is bright and sunny but cold.
bmorecharming is
13 years ago 1
really having a day here....the rain has created a's hoping some knitting will help.
bmorecharming is
13 years ago
Looking for a hangout. Anyone wanna knit and hang?