Yes, I Ken.
5Friends 18Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
Totally a fool. Wana be a millionaire!
Yes, I Ken. 分享
13 years ago
卡通版 科技人生
Yes, I Ken. 曾經
15 years ago
Android OS 花一個月時間 處理記憶體崩潰的錯誤 解決方法...printf... 這真是太王八蛋了= =a
Yes, I Ken. hates
15 years ago
*Sigh* In China tomorrow. A business trip for about a month. Wish it won't snow before I'm back. God bless my stomach. QQ
Yes, I Ken. 打算
15 years ago
把家裡的儲藏室當成我的研究間:] 把自己關在小小的空間裡面很有fu...(感覺我有被虐傾向 囧)
Yes, I Ken. is
15 years ago
Porting ANDROID DONUT, what a large gap between cupcake & donut! Working to meet Japanese customer's requirement.
Yes, I Ken. 打算
15 years ago
明年要去南美洲學習如何走私!! (LOL) 努力加班存錢~
Yes, I Ken.
15 years ago
最近...只要電腦裡面有重複動作的事情,我就會有股衝動寫script或寫程式,放給電腦自己執行...<( ̄ˇ ̄)>
Yes, I Ken. says
15 years ago
Don't drink coffee for a while. Black is still so perfect :-D
Yes, I Ken. feels
15 years ago
I was on the top of the world in the past, but now I feel like I'm the last one. I hope won't experience same feeling again about ChromeOS.
Yes, I Ken. 討厭
15 years ago
Android can't get SIM status is because another cmd makes RIL error. Damn, it takes me all day long to find out the cause. Keyword: +CGREG?