2Friends 1Fans
female Union City, CA, United States
10 years ago
Which I now can explain why I fall for teachers, professors, and married men. Lust. So sinful.
10 years ago
I once asked a women, married 3 times, if she believed love at first sight. "I believe lust at first sight.", she said. "I believe there is an undeniable attraction that you just can't explain that pulls you."
11 years ago
11 years ago
I never knew hate could be a driving force to a goal. Revenge is better served cold.
11 years ago
Whatever happened to studying with music? I can't do it anymore :-(
blue_scent 正在
11 years ago
What does it mean to be a adult? It means to do things against your will. It means to suck it up.
11 years ago
Define love. Define your type. sigh I'm looking too hard and finding too quick that I've killed off all men.
11 years ago
Damn it, just give me a day to sleep and drop it all.
11 years ago
Sometimes I feel like that Dagny thinking to myself "There's not a guy here I can't beat." But then when I finally meet an Edward I get scared like Bella.
11 years ago
I'm to full of myself too settle with what I consider losers, and too contempt with myself to actually work for the higher. Dang I'm such a jerk.