Andy went with me to the grocery store last night and spent my entire food budget on junk food. bah humbug
I have heard back from the mill. $20/ 100lb bag for the wheat. Pick up at my house on Friday, Jan. 22 at 2pm or by appt. Any takers?
bread in oven, I'll try to take a pix and post, but y'all know how I am with technology
himself. BTW, his last name is "Long." ETA: ha ha ha ha ha ha
If I do this again, hopefully it will be wheat from local farmers, sold to a local mill, sold with NO middle men!!!! Other than the miller
clean. What I like the best is that this is local wheat. VA's crop failed this year so the most local is Ohio, which this is!!!
bread rising from the wheat sample from Elliston. Beautiful color and texture so far. Went thru the mill like all the others. Nice and
Hey, yuleneverguess. Pam? Is that you?
everyone to know how much she l.o.v.e.s. the fleece she got from Natasha! And here I thought I didn't like to process my own wool!!