Dave MB
13Friends 81Fans
male Las Vegas, NV, United States
IT Facilities Supervisor for UNLV and Marketing Lead for Codex Worlds.
Dave MB says
12 years ago
Compulsion in social advertising: add a number in a serif font to a red circle to your. Makes people want to click it...even if to ignore.
Dave MB says
12 years ago
Stupid uses for Python: I needed to convert long titles to anchor tags with underscores. So I used "string".replace(" ","_";-) in IDLE.
Dave MB says
13 years ago
Watching Rec2. Fun!
Dave MB says
13 years ago
Sick, tired, and unable to sleep. Tomorrow's gonna rock. Bleh!
Dave MB says
13 years ago
Heading home from the office. This cold is killing me. I'm going to curl up with some tea and kitties and get some rest.
Dave MB says
13 years ago
W7 rebooted without my permission AGAIN after updates. Luckily I didn't have something important up like a dissertation or financial report.
Dave MB says
13 years ago
The power of chips compels me! (to eat them if they are in front of me!)
Dave MB says
13 years ago
Watching All State commercials so soon after 24 makes me think I love the president. I dig Obama, but Dennis Haysbert rocks! Obama, too.
Dave MB says
13 years ago
Watching the "I spit on your grave" remake. Not as gritty as the original 30 minutes in.
Dave MB says
13 years ago
Not sure why I didn't know about this book until just now. Great beginning programming book. ping.fm/0L6K7