米 蟲
26Friends 7Fans
male Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Hi there, this is Andy. If you are interesting in me or have any question about me just shoot it.
米 蟲 shares
10 years ago 1
米 蟲
10 years ago 1
米 蟲
10 years ago 1
米 蟲
10 years ago 2
why i have to serve those idiot at 1 o'clock in the morning???
米 蟲
11 years ago 30
WT....? 現在下大雨是怎麼回事???不是說不常下雨的嗎?怎麼才來一個多月就下了五六、七八次了?WHY???
米 蟲
11 years ago 1
[每日一句] 雖然說:比上不足,比下有餘。但也不能每天總想著比下啊~蠢貨。
米 蟲
11 years ago
I think it's time for Andy to grown up to be Andrew.......
米 蟲
11 years ago 6
看著戶外的豔陽,心想:啊~是個好天氣啊;在看看溫度計,SHIT!! 4˚C,回房間吧~
米 蟲
11 years ago 6