28Friends 11Fans
female Philippines
I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all, I still know quite certainty that just to be alive is a grand thing. :-)
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bitterbits wants
15 years ago 7
her dancing banana back! :-( KARMA UPPPP!
15 years ago 7
just received a heart-felt message on tumblr from clark (the boyfrienddd) :-)) --that made it the best gift i had on my 21st! :-D happpyyyy!
bitterbits thinks
15 years ago 8
"summer" is a cool name. Sorry, still can't get enough with the movie "500 days of summer". :-D
15 years ago 12
dramathon at home is finally over. :-)
15 years ago 17
stumbled at PLURK again! :-P missing the good old daysss... which i meant.. "plurking days instead of thesising." :-))
bitterbits says
15 years ago 4
goodnight to plurkers! :-))
bitterbits is
15 years ago 4
sadddd. My karma's gone to zerooo. And all the banana dancing are gone. :'-(
15 years ago 1
decided to check her plurk account! haha. because of ruth... i suddenly missed my plurking days. *sigh*
bitterbits hates
16 years ago 2
dj zero. []
bitterbits says
16 years ago 5
waley. Di ko na-silent phone ko kanina..:-o tumunog at the middle of the class, and my msj alert tone is electric guitar..(doh) [phplurk]