24Friends 38Fans
male Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
A smile can hide so many feelings. Fear, sadness, heartbreak... But it also shows one other thing, strength.!/bimaahusnaa
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bimahusna bilang
12 years ago
Jangan sia siakan orang yang mencintaimu, siapa tau ialah jodohmu yang selama ini kamu cari cari
bimahusna telah
12 years ago
Bersepedah berdua :-)
12 years ago
Karma up please :'-(
12 years ago
A true friend cares like a mom, scolds like a dad, teases like a sister, irritates like a brother, and loves more than a lover.
12 years ago
'm not looking for someone who has everything. I'm simply looking for someone who sacrifice their time & spend it with me.
12 years ago
I erased his number to forget the pain but now I'm waiting for a text from an unregistered number that only my heart can remember.
12 years ago
Someone who’s afraid of losing me. Someone who cares a lot about me. Someone who will spend the rest of their lives with me. I need you
12 years ago
When someone sees you at your worst and still thinks you look your best, that is someone worth keeping.
12 years ago
I want a relationship where we can be boring as hell around each other and still be completely okay with that.
12 years ago
Don’t chase people. Be you, do your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you, and stay..