22Friends 3Fans
male CO, United States
I am here because the best person in the world is teaching me about technology stuff and guiding me gently. Be gentle please
12 years ago 2
Dr appointment done, work done, hair cut done, nap going to be done
12 years ago 1
If anyone see's or hears from Nic. Tell her that I love her and I forgot my phone at work. Again.
bigpanda75 is
12 years ago 21
Going to confess. I had a bad day. So....... I might have decided that I need a cup of coffee, even though I gave it up. And we'll since I was in the hood...
12 years ago 6
Oh the weather outside is frightfully but the kale we're cooking is so delightful. Haha
12 years ago 6
I know that I am paying for not using a coat last night, but cold symptoms please go away. :-&
bigpanda75 says
12 years ago 15
Good morning, happy Friday to everyone. Now since I've been off of Starbucks for 6 days please remove all sharp objects. Thanks
bigpanda75 thinks
13 years ago 6
I miss WDW # 43532.4. The Kona dragon coffee at Starbucks does not equal Kona coffee in the parks (coffee)
bigpanda75 thinks
13 years ago 11
Ok starting to hate the haters at work that keep asking about your Disney trip then interrupt you to tell u how they hate it it because.....
bigpanda75 thinks
13 years ago 11
Thinks that case number 23 is where it is at
bigpanda75 asks
13 years ago 5
Today is our dogs anniversary. 2005 is when I brought het home from the pound. In celebration, she got a chew toy. Indestructible.