157Friends 147Fans
male Oshkosh, WI, United States
Web developer, podcaster, social media addict.
BigO says
13 years ago
I completely fail to see the point in pardoning Jim Morrison posthumously. How many rock stars have had minor charges like that?
BigO says
13 years ago
It's funny how this iPad can say "Not Charging" while it charges all the way up to 100%
BigO says
13 years ago
My quartet will be singing Christmas songs in the storefront of "Only Her" in Ripon, WI tonight, starting at 6:30pm. Come say hi!
BigO says
13 years ago
Hey traditional news media: If your entire article is about a youtube video INCLUDE A LINK!
BigO says
13 years ago 1
And thus, Turkey day, beloved holiday of foodies everywhere, comes to a close. Had a great one.
BigO says
13 years ago
My custom 404 page just sent me to my custom 500 page. And if you don't see the humor in that, it's TOTALLY not worth trying to explain it.
BigO says
13 years ago 2
Politicians have a ridiculous way of passing laws to prohibit things that are already illegal.
BigO says
13 years ago 2
So, I have an Android phone now. What apps should I download?
BigO says
13 years ago 2
I just got an Android Phone! There are hidden benefits to putting your old phone through the laundry.
BigO says
13 years ago
I realized last night that you would need to look in both my fridge and my pantry to locate the 9 distinct flavors of curry that I own.