157Friends 147Fans
male Oshkosh, WI, United States
Web developer, podcaster, social media addict.
BigO says
13 years ago
I need to talk to a graphic designer who's a rock star with with product packaging. Know anyone?
BigO says
13 years ago
Got Portal 2 last night thanks to a kind friend. VERY VERY fun game! Highly recommend.
BigO says
13 years ago
Tornado sirens are going off in Oshkosh. It's not even raining yet.
BigO says
13 years ago
Just used a fax machine for the first time in like 10 years. Serious retro moment for me.
BigO says
13 years ago
It's official. We've got an accepted offer. We're buying a house!!
BigO says
13 years ago
Bought Garageband for iPad I am VERY impressed with it. It does things the full version can't.
BigO says
13 years ago
At least 6 inches of fresh snow on my car this morning.
BigO says
13 years ago 1
I just picked a lock for the first time. Yes, it was mine.
BigO says
13 years ago and are down. switching servers. Email was down but is back now. Please send again if you got a bounce.
BigO says
13 years ago
Web servers are so particular. They always demand power in order to keep running.