23Friends 23Fans
male Irvine, CA, United States
These days I'm an aimless wanderer of SL with no goals, aspirations, responsibilities, intent or ambitions. It wasn't always this easy, but it is now. Yeah, you wish you were me :-)
Biggin says
11 years ago 1
Morning Plurksters, gah, I need to login here more often, my Karma is at 0 :-(
Biggin says
11 years ago
Went to a conference in Vegas and came back with the super flu. Omg, it will knock you out. Get your flu shots. You've been warned.
Biggin says
11 years ago
Packing for Vegas baby! Biz trip taking me to sin city. This should be interesting.
Biggin says
11 years ago
Saweet, just picked up the Samsung Galaxy S III. It's an amazing phone!
Biggin says
11 years ago 4
I logged into Flickr and noticed that pretty much everyone I know has dropped off in their activity levels there not in terms of days, but months. Yikes.
Biggin says
11 years ago 2
Hmmm, no pics on Plurk? troll rage face
Biggin says
11 years ago
Yikes, forgot I had this account. Need to do some serious updating... to my ummm, profile pic?
Biggin says
13 years ago
What an incredible Super Bowl! Nail biting to the very end.
Biggin says
13 years ago 1
Damn, haven't logged on here in a loooong time :-(
Biggin says
15 years ago 7
divorce sucks @ss! X-(