I was gonna go down to campus to work on my drawing, but I got sick. Dammit
WTF? The cell phone commercial with the girl with the lost dog is making me tear up. I need either a good cry or an even better drink.
Dammit, I'm fucking hungry. I had a bagel today.
Walking to my next class. Smell fried chicken. Mmmmmmmm
Woot! Just saw the Google Earth camera car - I always wondered how they got a full 360 degree view, and now I know!
Note to the princess in her daddy's nissan- it is NOT acceptable to sit in your car for 10 minutes and text while I'm waiting for your spot.
Really? More art supplies? You couldn't have told us everything at the beginning of the semester, when I had the money?
Just realized that the guy who plays Baltus Van Tassel in Sleepy Hollow is fucking DUMBLEDORE. It's like seeing a ghost!