25Friends 36Fans
female Batavia, OH, United States
I'm a wife, mom, student, and knitter. I'm anti-circumcision, pro-breastfeeding, and attachment parents (and their kid) annoy the shit out of me. I love punk moms.
BigRedErin on Ravelry and Etsy.
15 years ago
Just walked from my car to class with my underroos falling past my bum. Heh heh heh - no one knew. I felt like I was mooning the world.
15 years ago
It's 11:11, and I wish this mother fucking drawing was dfinished.
BigRedErin says
15 years ago 1
Karma fall down go boom.
15 years ago
Attn: guy in the 20 year old van with the busted out window screamin "I'm a hustlah! I'm a hustlah!" You're NOT. STFU.
15 years ago 1
Opa's dying - I'm getting the kids out of school early and taking them down to visit before he goes.
15 years ago
Wow. One Republic really is AWFUL.
15 years ago
Why the flying fuck is Purina supporting breast cancer? You'd think they'd want to support animal shelters and the like...
15 years ago
There are birds circling the nursing home in old Batavia. Ominous? Very.
15 years ago
You know your sick when the bass from listening to Live on your car radio is making you nauseous. Hello, flu, now GTFO.
15 years ago
My Opa's back in the hospital with a collapsed lung again. :-(