6Friends 20Fans
female Hove, Great Britain (UK)
I'm a social media strategist working for a internet marketing company in Brighton
biagotti says
12 years ago
Google Penguin Update Causes Mass Riots in India!!!!!
biagotti says
12 years ago
If the London mayoral candidates were a car, what would they be? (a mini or a truck)
biagotti says
12 years ago
"A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols or practices" RELIGION the original meme
biagotti says
12 years ago
listening to Radio 4 play to relax
biagotti says
13 years ago
I got my first real chicken bite today, it hurts. They nip & twist, like tiny land crocodiles going for the death role
biagotti says
13 years ago
Feel like i should join an art or creative writing group, but think it will be all blue rinses ..humm
biagotti says
13 years ago
"back to life.. back to reality..."
biagotti says
13 years ago
Go whitney go...
biagotti says
13 years ago
I really wish people would add embed codes under infographics. I never used to lol, but do now
biagotti says
13 years ago
Whew - this flu is getting the better of me folk..