5Friends 4Fans
female pasig city, Philippines
-loves sushi..
-allergic to steel..
-loves black and red..
-hates back stabbers(biatches!)
-likes tattoos..
-music and art is my passion..
-loves to eat but doesn't cook..
-hates manipulative people..
-loves to be cuddled..
biaTchez is
12 years ago
happy! (K)
biaTchez hates
12 years ago
your white lies. cuz i can still see the lies.
12 years ago
you're goin' down.
biaTchez wants
12 years ago
a new camera.
biaTchez wants
12 years ago
to go to the beach.
to photo walk.
to indulge.
biaTchez wants
13 years ago
california maki, shawarma and dimsum.. waaaaa
biaTchez wants
13 years ago
to push you to the ground, face first!
biaTchez hopes
13 years ago
that bitches are like scars that will just fade away.
biaTchez feels
13 years ago
woooooooo! single daw. haha lokohin nyo lelang nyo
biaTchez feels
13 years ago
disappointed. what's wrong with you? cuz obviously, u can watch me die. X-(