Beth Harte says
15 years ago
My karma just keeps plummeting...I think I need a few nights of great conversations. Things have been nuts though.
latest #13
15 years ago
Thought I didnt't *care* about Karma but since removing from profile, I am free to Plurk in my time frame. :-D
Kellye_Crane says
15 years ago
I've noticed some of our Plurk pals (ahem) have been conversing a lot more on Twitter lately. It's not the same without ya! :-)
15 years ago
We've all been at a hectic point with work. :-)
Kellye_Crane says
15 years ago
Oh yes, 'tis the season!
15 years ago
cycles Mediafixit? When do these cycles happen?
15 years ago
misses you over here
15 years ago
oh, thanks! I did not know that.
drsallywitt says
15 years ago
I am just meeting you through Social Media Today. Hi! I have been sick in bed for a few weeks and lost tons of karma points, too!
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