25Friends 40Fans
male Second Life, United States
Virtual world traveler, hockey fan, baseball fan and coffee geek.

Google Talk & Yahoo Messenger ID: [email protected]
15 years ago 4
enjoyed Beverly Hills Chihuahua with my daughter this weekend.
15 years ago 2
doesn't have anything to say today. I'll give it another go tomorrow. Have a great Friday!
bennettsmythe needs
15 years ago
help with someplace good to take little kids to eat in or near St. Augustine, FL.
bennettsmythe is
15 years ago 6
good at lunch. It's my best skill.
bennettsmythe says
15 years ago
despite what they said on the major news channels yesterday, the sun came up this morning.
bennettsmythe thinks
15 years ago 1
Skippy peanut butter with chocolate chips will make a fine lunch today. (LOL)
15 years ago
had a great Saturday spent observing the fall colors.
15 years ago 2
welcomes Blissie to my timeline (bye)
15 years ago
can't remember what day it is, but no matter, because my weekend begins in 3-2-1...
15 years ago
<inSL> Stopped at my SL home to clean out IM's and inspect the premises. at Proxima